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ISBN: 978-1-59909-031-3 / 2009 / 152 pp. and 1 CD (Pass Tracker software, blackline masters for training, samples, and 9 pp. fillable forms) / $75

"Our behavioral kids have never done better! PASS made everything better for all children. Infractions are down, attendance is up, test scores have gone up. What more could a district ask for?"

—Carolyn Meeks,
Former Special Education Director,
Lamar Consolidated ISD,
Richmond, TX

Inclusion for students with serious emotional disturbance or behavior disorders

With the right support, students with serious emotional disturbance or behavior disorders can succeed in mainstream classrooms. Schools that have implemented PASS report that their students with ED/BD are experiencing academic and behavioral success in mainstream settings. As an added benefit, they are making significant reductions in the number of students placed in more restrictive environments.

The 152-page book gives you a clear overview of the PASS program with its four phases and provides the detail you need to create the PASS structure in your building. To assist with implementation, a companion CD includes:

  • PASS Tracker software (an Excel spreadsheet that allows you to track a student's behavior)
  • Reproducible forms (e.g., observation sheets, student feedback forms, school-to-home notes, etc.)
  • Samples of student portfolios, T-charts, and behavior analyses
  • Materials you can use to train staff in PASS procedures

For more information about the book and to order a copy, visit our publisher, Ancora Publishing.

© Hope Caperton-Brown & James R. Poole